First Day Questions

What is your previous computer experience?

I have a computer at home and have taken 3 years of Graphic Design at my previous high school.

What do you hope to get out of this class?

I hope to gain more experience and increase my photoshop skills.

What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?

Everything now is on computers, so being able to create visuals on the computer is very important

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?

I've been able to use these programs in the classes I took in highschool. 
I'm most comfortable with photoshop.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?

Yes, I do have a computer at home but no photoshop or Illustrator.

Do you use a Mac or PC?

Are you a Visual Studies Major? If not, what is your major?

Art Education

What do you hope to do with your major?

I hope to become an art teacher in the near future. But I'm thinking about changing it in the nearby future.

Who is your favorite artist?


Who is your favorite musician? 

Billie Holiday

Tell me something interesting about yourself?

I like to draw illustrations digitally using another program other than Photoshop/Illustrator or physical canvas.
I'm allergic to dogs.
I'm very into astrology.

Write a five line story?

There used to be a gray cat that would visit me by my room window.
Weeks after, I heard little kitten meows from my window.
I look out to find a three week old gray kitten sitting and meowing all alone.
I guessed the mother gray cat had given me one of her kittens?
The kitten is now 2 years old and we've named her Catherine, or Cat for short.
Image result for gray cat


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